Thursday, January 14, 2010

INTRO: The humor of it all

I am Leslie, I am a SAHM of 2 wonderful, yet humorous, children.

I first became a mom in June of 2002, when my wonderful daughter, Harleyann, was born. She decided to be born when I was only 24 weeks pregnant with her, so I did not get to experience the normal pregnancy, birth, early motherhood. While yes technically I was a parent, but my daughter spent the first 176 days of her like in the NICU and when she came home while she was like a newborn, it was different in the fact that she did not do things like a normal newborn. She was a week shy of 6 months old when we got to start our parenting journey and I have loved every moment of it. We have had our ups and downs, scary moments and all, but I have loved every minute of it and would not have changed a thing, because it has taught me many valuable life lessons. I remember when she was in the NICU not wanting to leave her, I was afraid what if while I was sleeping they tried to call me and I didn't wake up and we lost her, luckily that never happened and today she is a beautiful 7 year old with such an aura about her that makes people just love her. She was much older when she began to be a little comedian.

So fast forward to March 2009, after a long, stressful, scary, crazy, wild 37 weeks of pregnancy we welcomed a bouncing baby boy, Jeffrey Jr (JJ for short), literally bouncing, I swear I must have fed the kids Mexican jumping beans while I was pregnant with him. He decided to cook a lot longer than his sister, while it was not an easy pregnancy and spending a lot of time in the doctor’s office and sometime in the hospital we managed to make it to 37 weeks exactly. While at the end a very scary thing happened I can say I am here with him and we both made it through. Now since day one this kid has been a riot. He has done things that some people would be downright disgusted with, but I find it down right funny. You have to enjoy things in life and laugh and if your kids can't make you laugh then I think there is probably no hope for you.

So while I think my kids are dog on hilarious, I thought I would share some of their antics with the world. I hope that you will get some laughs as much as I do.

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